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Event Details:

Date: Post September 2024

IQ Plus, Learning Hub or Kumon

Children’s tuition support programme

We are excited to announce that our children will be supported in their education by PBWA from 1st September 2024.

Students from year 7 to A-Level (except students from grammar schools and private schools) will be supported in their education by PBWA’s own funds raised from membership fees. Peterborough schools can be overcrowded and teaching is frequently not sufficient for all students to remain engaged or catch up if they fall behind. Parents often don’t know how to help their children academically. We therefore believe that the children in our community need extra support in their education for better performance.

To participate in the programme, you can send your children to any tuition center in Peterborough such as IQ Plus, Learning Hub or Kumon, and pay the tuition fees there. The fees will be reimbursed 50% if you submit your receipts. This is a pilot project. If we find people are interested and children are benefiting, we will bring a larger education project. Children are our assets, so invest in them for a brighter future that benefits our community and country. Contact me if you are interested. T&Cs may apply. Dr Aminul Chowdhury, Chairman, PBWA.